Saturday, 18 April 2020

from Val

Dear Friends
I hope you are safe and well and managing OK in these unusual circumstances. It has come as no surprise that the period of lockdown has been extended for at least another three weeks. 
Easter was certainly different this year, but the quieter time gave us an opportunity to reflect on the good news of the Risen Lord.  Some found this time extremely helpful, whilst others struggled with the lack of fellowship, but we each marked Easter Sunday in our homes and we are still united as the Body of Christ in this place.
The Gospel reading for Sunday 19th April is the story of Thomas, a story familiar to us all.  I always feel sorry for Thomas after all he has spent 2,000 year being known as Doubting Thomas. Yet he was a very firm believer and Thomas gives us permission to doubt and to ask questions in order to deepen our faith and draw closer to Christ.
Just as Jesus came to the disciples in the locked house, Jesus still comes amongst us in our 'lockdown' homes and says ‘Peace be with you’.  In a special way in these uncertain times the peace of God surrounds and upholds us.   Thomas’ encounter with the Risen Lord was the beginning of something wonderful.  He went on to be a faithful witness to Christ and is credited with bringing the Gospel to India.
May you know his comfort and his peace in these difficult days.
Every Blessing…Val

The readings for Sunday April 19th, and Bishop Gregory's Pastoral letter of April 15th, are available to download on the NEWS page.