Sunday, 5 April 2020

from Val

Dear Friends

I hope you and your family continue to stay safe and well. 
As we come to the beginning of Holy Week we are only too aware of the seriousness of the situation we are facing at this time.  We are unable to come together for our usual Palm Sunday and Holy Week services and Good Friday 3 Hours at the Cross.  This is the first time since I have been here that we have been unable to meet in this way.  We are facing dark days but Holy Week reminds us that life and death are intertwined and from darkness comes light. 
Thank you to all who have commented on the services we have sent out so far, we are still Church just a different kind of Church.  
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
With Many Blessings....Val

A service for Palm Sunday, and the readings for the day, are available to download on the NEWS page