Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Church closed until further notice

In line with Government Restrictions
St Dyfnog’s Church will remain closed until further notice
We know that our churches have always been places of sanctuary, peace and wellbeing. However, it is now clear that health and healing are best served by church buildings being closed. All church buildings should therefore be closed until further notice. This means churches should not be open for solitary prayer. Any exception from this action should only take place with the diocesan bishop’s express permission.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Bishop Gregory has offered a prayer to be said during this time of anxiety.

Dear Father, who created us, and redeemed us, and who has promised us your love, be with us in a time of danger and of worry.  May those who suffer, or who are ill, know the blessing of your grace, while we who are well be inspired by your Spirit to be wise and to be servants, working for the healing and wholeness of all, each in our own way.  

Keep us calm and cautious, strong and open to service, so that we take care of those around us, and also ourselves. We ask this in the name of Jesus.


Coronavirus Update 17 March 2020

All Church Services are suspended with immediate effect. There will be no services in this Church or any of the Churches in the Church in Wales for the foreseeable future.

The Church remains open to visitors and you are warmly invited to come in for silent prayer and reflection.

May God grant you His peace and His comfort in this time of trial.